Thursday 20 August 2015

We want more clubs in our school

We Want More Clubs In Our School

To my mind,'After School Clubs’ are of great importance nowadays. Unfortunately we do not have enough clubs in our school. There are just two clubs: ‘TAT English Club’ which is mainly an online club and a ‘Music club’.  This is for many reason; first because there not enough rooms in our school. Teachers are obliged to teach on Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. Moreover, most teachers are demotivated or do not have enough time "due to [their] tiring work timetable" as one of my teacher explained.

Why clubs are necessary?

Well, instead of spending our free time at cafés it would be better if we meet in school clubs and benefit from that.

After-school clubs allow students to explore areas and subjects that they may not have access to in schools or at home,” 1 says Kate McCarthy Draizin, Education Manager at The Art and Culture Center of Hollywood.

"Students have the opportunity to expand their horizons and have unique experiences with their peers,” 2 explains Kate. By engaging with new friends and being in a productive environment, participants strengthen confidence and independence, build character and develop strong leadership skills—all crucial to helping build strong communities and hence a stronger society.

Some Benefits of After School Clubs:

With more and more parents working during the day, kids are likely to be left to tend to themselves, sometimes leading to destructive behavior. According to Kate, “Afterschool clubs are also a good way to keep children safe from the negative behaviors that may occur during unsupervised after-school hours.” 3.
When kids are left alone, undesirable behaviors can go unchecked, like sitting in front of the television for hours on end, setting homework aside in favor of video games, or worse, getting involved with the wrong crowd. After-school clubs alleviate those worries.
In addition to providing a safe environment, clubs offer students:

  • New skills and interests
  • Productive time spent with peers
  • Realization of goals
  • Strengthened confidence
  • Improved attendance
  • Reduced dropout rates
  • Better quality of homework and classwork
  • Higher graduation rates
  • Strengthened team effort—from administration to teachers to students
  • Positive environment  


2: same source.
3: same source.

    Why do we pupils like an ICT classroom ?

    Why do we pupils like an ICT classroom ?

    We, pupils like to learn in an ICT classroom. We like our classrooms to be equipped with datashows  some computers , speakers, subwoofers, etc.

    When we are taught with ICT we are more concentrated and interrested. we participate more and find ourselves engaged and really motivated..
    In reality, when we are taught with videos we understand more and we get concrete and real examples. I think that the use of new technology should be encouraged. Our school should afford the necessary tools for the teachers who are ready to teach with technology and forget for a while the routine of blackboards and chalk.
    I wish our classroom will be like that one day !

    Wednesday 19 August 2015

    How I like my school to be

    Here Is How I Like My School To be 

    •  Clean:


    I like my school to be always clean. I really get angry when I see our classrooms full of rubbish. Some pupils should be punished when they throw litter in the school. There must be rubbish bags allover the school.

    • Green:

    We should take care of the gardens and trees in our school and plant much more flowers too.

    • Modern:

    Our school needs to have some modern equippments. Most of the school furniture is old and broken.  We should fix all the broken doors, windows and desks.


    نقص الإمكانيات بمعهد المروج الأول

    أسس معهد المروج سنة 1988 و قد كان قبل ذلك مدرسة اعدادية ثم تحول إلى معهد ثانوي. و يضم المعهد ثلة من المدرسين و اللإطارات الأكفاء . يحقق المعهد كل سنة نتائج حسنة في إمتحان شهادة البكالوريا في كل الاختصاصات ..لكن المهد يشكو نقصا فادحا في المكانيات و بنية تحتية مهترئة. فعدد القاعات لا يكفي بالمرة عدد التلاميذ مما يضطر الأساتذة الي التدريس مساء الجمعة و السبت و بين ساعات الراحة. كما ان أغلب القاعات لا تحتوي على سبورات بيضاء و أغلب الشبابيك و الابواب بالقاعات مكسورة . هذا كله ينعكس سلبا على العملية التربوية بصفة عامة و يتعب الادارة و الاساتذة و التلاميذ على حد سواء. و قد حرصت إدارة المعهد هذا العام على القيام ببعض الاصلاحات بالمعهد و انطلقت الاشغال فعليا منذ شهر جوان الماضي وهي لا تزال قائمة الى حد الساعة. فنأمل أن تشمل هذه الصلاحات كافة المعهد  و أن يتم تزويد المعهد بعدد من أجهزة العرض الرقمية و عدد من مستلزمات التدريس بالتكنولوجيا الحديثة